Well, the nasty South Texas allergies that caused The Tim and Bob Show to cancel two gigs the weekend of February 20-22 mitigated long enough to ensure that Steve and Don could pull themselves together and play some music for the fine folks at WineStyles-Stone Oak (WineStyles-Stone Oak was celebrating their one year anniversary by the way) on the last day of the month. Yes, because a "norther" blew in and dropped the temperature a good 40 degrees, entertainment at WineStyles moved indoors. This means a space reduction, and this means that the girls get a night off.
And what a night it was. Undaunted by the economy or the vagaries of South Texas weather, a good-sized crowd showed up on Saturday night, and we were there to entertain them. Many were veteran Tim and Bob Nationals. Alice, Mike, and Anna showed up, along with Anna's sister Rosa and Anna's friend Andrew. Bethany and Matt were there, fresh from their engagement celebration dinner, along with Hillary, Leigh-Anne, Marcelo, Preslee and Veronica, and new friends Kandie, Kaci, and Tommy. Some non-members of Bethany's posse who became new Tim and Bob friends included Cynthia and Don, Emily and Robert.
Sound like a lot of folks? It was, and even with all of those, we contributed less than half of the clientele on the evening. The joint was jumping almost from the very beginning, and we rocked on until a good half hour beyond closing. At the end of the evening, the owners -- Jerry and Jean -- asked for a special round of applause for the tired and somewhat hoarse musicians.
From the beginning to the end, it was a great night for Steve and me. We really miss the girls, though, and the good news is that we should be able to play outdoors more often now, and that'll allow us to change up the personnel and the sound more often.
We're busily booking up through the month of November. Between restaurant gigs, wineries, parties, and the like, 2009 looks like another busy year for The Tim and Bob Show. Keep checking your email and checking out our website. Before you know it, we'll be playing at a venue very near where you're sitting reading this.
Tell us what YOU think!
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