The weekend of March 20 and 21 was a wonderful time for The Tim and Bob Show. On Friday, we got to return to Orderup for our regular monthly gig. We really missed this funky little Taqueria, Pizzeria, Burgeria, since we had to cancel our February gig due to the unparalleled horrors of South Texas Cedar Fever. We were all better – at least physically – and were ready to rock and roll for our close friends. We were short Kathy, however, who had once again yielded to the muse of live theater. She was rehearsing her new play – Angel Street – the play on which the classic movie Gaslight was based. So, in other words, she gave up singing with the group for a couple of months in order to be Ingrid Bergman. Go figure!
We did our best without her, and had a great time. Our loyal friends Louie and Cathy [and their daughter Olivia] were there – they hardly ever miss us – and they brought their friend Stephen, who was visiting from Colorado Springs. Casey and Pam, who never miss an Orderup gig, were also there, and new Tim and Bob Nationals [but old friends] David and Chara finally made the grueling 5-block trip to come and listen.
As usual, Orderup meant a party with even the glorious wait staff getting in on the fun. All too soon it was over, and we were packing up and resting up for Saturday.
On Saturday, we drove over to Friedrich Park to set up for an afternoon gig. The Friends of Friedrich Park were honoring the hard-working volunteers who educate and guide visitors to this lovely public space, as well as helping to maintain the aesthetic purity of the environment. Like all volunteers, they do their work from love, and like all volunteers, they’re not paid. We were there to entertain them while they received thanks from the group’s organizers and while they tasted the fantastic food that was prepared. Kudos to the miniature quiches in phyllo dough laced heavily with roasted garlic. A major, serious yum!
I had already had an incomparable Saturday morning, and was looking forward to a great afternoon. I was definitely not disappointed. Because we had missed Kathy’s contributions the night before, Steve and I decided to list as many four-parters as we could manage. Included in the list was our debut of “Afternoon Delight.” Now, I had demurred at adding this to our repertoire, but people kept saying that it was perfect for a guitar-based four-person mixed group who relied on harmonies and acoustic sounds. Wow, That’s us! So, we relented and have been working on it for a long time. We were a little nervous, but – what can I say – we nailed it.
The audience was very appreciative, but we couldn’t say good-bye without saluting them and the good work that they do preserving nature’s beauty and helping people enjoy the wonders of South Texas ecology. We were referred to this worthy group by old friends [and education and theater colleagues] Karl and Melva. While we met a lot of new friends, we reserve special mention for Diane, Peggy, Patsy, and Jayne. What great fun to play surrounded by nature.
Once we broke down, we followed Steve and Kathy back to their Green Spring Valley home for a quick change of clothes. Once that was accomplished, it was off to the San Antonio School of the Performing Arts. They were having an open house, and The Merrie Court Singers were performing selections from their Renaissance repertoire. Steve and Kathy have been members of this a’capella choral group for over 20 years. Along with Tim and Bob Nationals Gary, Karl, Meg, and Lindsay, they dress in period costumes – Steve says his makes him look 700 years younger – and knock out audiences with their incredible vocal styles and audience rapport. Mary Lou and I have been their biggest fans and unabashed groupies for seven or eight years. They do most of their work during the Christmas season, but this was one of their wonderful Spring/Summer performances – including works written by composers as famous as a young student of the clergy who later grew up to be Henry VIII of England.
While Kathy is the acknowledged theater performer of the group, Steve wound up stealing the show with his antics during “Now is the Month of Maying.” Mary Lou and I sat with Matt, Hillary, and a group of others smiling, applauding, and completely blown away by their talent. A quick change and the four of us were off for Thai food and a toast [with water] for an enjoyable, if tiring, weekend spent in the service of music as healing for the soul.
Life is good – especially when music and friends are a part of it.
Back to the world of work and then we’re off for more adventures next weekend. In the meantime, TELL US WHAT YOU THINK!.
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