Friday, March 13, 2009

Back at Central Market Again!

On Saturday, March 7, The Tim and Bob Show returned to our newest indoor venue – HEB Central Market’s great café. We’d not been there since our introduction to the space in January, and we were itching to get back. All of us except Kathy had been suffering from allergies – so severe that we had to cancel two gigs – and then Kathy wound up with a virus that gave her basically the same three-note vocal range of croaks as the rest of us. When we had actually improved enough to be able to sing, the space we found ourselves in was just big enough for Steve and me.

So we headed down to Alamo Heights with a renewed determination to give it our best, and that’s exactly what we did. It had seemed forever since we had been able to sing our signature four parters, and we jumped into them with some gusto. We even introduced a new one – The Beatles’ “Long and Winding Road” with Kathy taking the lead.

We had some surprise visits from Tim and Bob Nationals Peggy, Arline, and Pam, and made some new friends. Ann joined us for the first time. Elisio, Ingrid, and their three children showed up, and Ingrid showed us all how to applaud while holding a three-month-old baby.

As had happened before, when we ventured into Mamas and Papas territory, our audience expanded beyond the boundaries of the café. Shoppers in the produce section and those by the deli counter stopped what they were doing to listen intently to our four-part versions of “California Dreamin’” and “Monday Monday.” It was very satisfying.

We had really been looking forward to this gig, and we were not disappointed. Based on their response, it appeared as if our listeners were similarly pleased. We can wait to go back. When will that be? Check out our web site and find out.

Tell us what YOU think!.

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