Monday, January 28, 2008

Good Music for a Worthy Cause

Yesterday, January 27, The Tim and Bob Show joined musicians from all over San Antonio to help raise money to defray the costs of medical care for SA jazz legend and Tim and Bob National, Ron Wilkins. We played at an unusual venue for us, Luna Fine Music Club, and one we never figured on playing. We’ve all visited Luna many times, and Mary Lou even sang there – with the Ron Wilkins 4-tet – but Luna usually is jamming between 9 and 1 and, like most of our audiences, that’s kinda late in the evening for us.

But yesterday, music was going from 2 until 10, and we went on for a 30-minute set around 4:30. And here’s the amazing bit. We were the 4th of 11 acts to perform, and we went on earlier than advertised! Never seen that on an occasion like that. Tim and Bob Nationals Katie, Rich, and Ellen all ponied up the 10 buck surcharge to dig the sounds and seemed like they had a great time. All in all, enough people attended to raise a tidy sum. As a matter of fact, most of those who attended paid much more than the cover charge, since more that $4,400 was taken in. Many thanks for this go out to Marcos Treviño for opening Luna on a “dark day,” as well as for Beverly Prado and Bett Butler who not only arranged this event, but have been instrumental in helping with this cause from the beginning.

Considering the occasion, how we sounded is kind of beside the point, but we got a lot of nice words on our set, especially the three 4-parters we did. It was kind of cool playing for all these jazz blowers and their fans and watching people sing along to our tunes, and it was especially cool helping out our – and San Antonio’s – very good friend.

Until next time, tell us what YOU think!

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