Monday, January 28, 2008

Good Music for a Worthy Cause

Yesterday, January 27, The Tim and Bob Show joined musicians from all over San Antonio to help raise money to defray the costs of medical care for SA jazz legend and Tim and Bob National, Ron Wilkins. We played at an unusual venue for us, Luna Fine Music Club, and one we never figured on playing. We’ve all visited Luna many times, and Mary Lou even sang there – with the Ron Wilkins 4-tet – but Luna usually is jamming between 9 and 1 and, like most of our audiences, that’s kinda late in the evening for us.

But yesterday, music was going from 2 until 10, and we went on for a 30-minute set around 4:30. And here’s the amazing bit. We were the 4th of 11 acts to perform, and we went on earlier than advertised! Never seen that on an occasion like that. Tim and Bob Nationals Katie, Rich, and Ellen all ponied up the 10 buck surcharge to dig the sounds and seemed like they had a great time. All in all, enough people attended to raise a tidy sum. As a matter of fact, most of those who attended paid much more than the cover charge, since more that $4,400 was taken in. Many thanks for this go out to Marcos Treviño for opening Luna on a “dark day,” as well as for Beverly Prado and Bett Butler who not only arranged this event, but have been instrumental in helping with this cause from the beginning.

Considering the occasion, how we sounded is kind of beside the point, but we got a lot of nice words on our set, especially the three 4-parters we did. It was kind of cool playing for all these jazz blowers and their fans and watching people sing along to our tunes, and it was especially cool helping out our – and San Antonio’s – very good friend.

Until next time, tell us what YOU think!

Friday, January 18, 2008

The Sensei Appears!

On a cold, windy Friday night, The Tim and Bob Show came to Order Up at the Colonnade in San Antonio to provide our contribution to the marriage of good food and good music.

And it was cold, and it was rainy, and -- face it -- we're kind of spoiled by our great weather down here. However, enough of our Tim and Bob Fans showed to make it a good show.

For the first time since mid-November, our collective voices were in good enough shape to select a set from all our repertoire. The 28 songs we sang included 8 that we had written ourselves, and we had our usual mix of two part and multiple part harmonies.

Those who were so brave as to show up included Tim and Bob Nationals Bethany and Richard, Katie, David and Lisa, and Ron and Rhonda. Ron, also known as "The Sensei" is the legendary jazz performer and teacher Ron Wilkins whose vocal tutelage of Don and Mary Lou has done so much to make The Tim and Bob Show possible. It had been more than a year since he'd shown up at one of our shows -- musicians tend to work on Friday and Saturday nights after all -- and he seemed pleased at our growth during that time.

Ron has experienced some difficulty recently, and The Tim and Bob Show are among several San Antonio-area bands and solo performers who will be gathering at the Luna Fine Music Club on Sunday, January 27 for an all-day concert to help defray the cost of his medical bills. Check out our Next Gigs section of our website or Luna's website to see details.

Tell us what YOU think!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

And Then, Suddenly, the North Wind Stopped

All day Saturday [January 12] there was a pretty strong breeze from the northwest. Although it had been warm and sunny, the intrepid members of The Tim and Bob Show knew that it was going to be a tough night for guitars and the guys who played them at Fralo’s Art of Pizza. But, then, suddenly … .

This was our first gig of the year at Fralo’s – the place where it all began back in the fall of 2005. And, thanks to the calm conditions, the cool winter evening turned out to be just perfect for gigging out of doors. We are truly blessed to be living where we are. Mary Lou was in Southern California with family, but Steve, Kathy, and Don girded up our collective loins and shouldered her share of the action. And the action was good. Steve and Don played their two newest songs – Everything Sounds Like a Song and Looking Back – and the band introduced some new songs. Don sang the REM standard Losing My Religion and a Leon Redbone-ish version of the old standard Up the Lazy River. Kathy debuted One Tin Soldier a folk-rock classic not often heard in these parts.

All these new and new-ish tunes were well received by the hardy group of folks looking for good music and food. The usual fun-loving Fralo’s crowd was swelled by the presence of fully 21 (!) members of Tim and Bob Nation - Hillary (who was off on the next morning for Oakland) and Marcelo, Bethany and Richard, Leigh-Anne and her uncle Sam (yes, uncle Sam from England no less), Pat and Jack, Patty, her husband and family, and 4 friends, Katie, Micah and Ron, and Nicole and Matt. One of the fun things for the younger members of the crowd was the new Tim and Bob Show coloring book – with artwork by T&B National Bruce Limpus. Sounds cool, doesn’t it? Well it kinda was. Thanks Bruce, and thanks Kathy for putting the books together.

How did we sound? Well, considering it’s Mountain Cedar Fever season, we sounded pretty good. And we’re looking forward to our next trip back. In the meantime, we’ve got some gigs elsewhere in and around San Antonio. Where? Check out the Next Gigs section of this website.

See you there! and tell us what YOU think!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Starting the New Year Right!

2007 was such a good year for The Tim and Bob Show, we had to start 2008 the same way we started last year - with a brunch-time gig at Patty Lou's Restaurant. And, just like last year, plenty of Tim and Bob Nationals showed up to make it a party.

It's worth noting that last New Year's Day gig featured the debut of the Tim and Bob original song Decisions. Well, this year we did ourselves one better and debuted two Feinstein-Hymel compositions: Looking Back and (Some Days) Everything Sounds Like a Song. We also debuted a non-original tune, Otis Redding's Sitting on the Dock of the Bay. Even though Steve and Don had pretty much put their colds and laryngitis behind them, each of them had some scratchiness in the throat that made it difficult to hit some of those high notes. The girls, however, sounded fantastic, with Kathy's Breathe and Mary Lou's Dream a Little Dream being especially notable.

Fully 22 Tim and Bobbers were on hand today - some grizzled veterans and some newbies. They helped to swell the crowd and reward Patty Lou for her decision to open on her usual day off. A special thanks for making "early" "bright and early" to Karen and Mike, Laura, Alice and George, Leigh-Anne, Hillary, Ruthie and Janet, Marcie and Sandy, Courtney and Pat, Rob and Yolanda, Sam and Otto, John-Michael, and Pete. And a very special thanks to Sheila, Bruce, and Casey who showed up wearing their brand new The (Fabulous) Tim and Bob Show 2007 World Tour of South Texas" tee-shirts. Santa was good to you guys, huh?

Finally, we want to thank everyone who started the year with love, compassion, and generosity by contributing so lavishly to our tip jar. As we announced, 100% of our tips from all our January gigs are going to defray the medical costs incurred by our good friend and mentor, Ron Wilkins. The response today was amazing, and will be gratefully received by the Wilkins family.

If you missed this gig, don't worry. We've got two more on the books in January and fully 22 more already scheduled throughout the rest of 2008. Check your email inbox for the location and date of our next appearance. Happy New Year Tim and Bob Nation!

Tell us what YOU think!