Saturday, February 14, was -- of course -- Valentine's Day, or as "someone" in the band keeps calling it: Halloween. This year The Tim and Bob Show helped about 25 couples [and a few singles] celebrate the saint most associated with romance by providing the entertainment at a fundraiser at First UU of San Antonio.
The fundraiser was designed to raise money for -- and awareness of the need for -- an electronic door for the First UU Church of San Antonio's sanctuary. This will help the church become even more welcoming to members and visitors with mobility issues. This is a cause that means a lot to us, since both Vicki, the leader of our CD release event co-sponsor Pet Pals of Texas, and Pam, our most enthusiastic fan, will benefit directly from the acquisition and installation of this door. We raised a good bit of money last night, but there's still more that's needed. Hopefully, the good vibrations that came from our concert event will help increase the flow of donations.
Since this was a "specialty concert," it differed somewhat from a usual Tim and Bob Show gig -- if there is such a thing. For one thing, we dressed up. Steve and I even wore white shirts[!], although Steve drew the line at wearing a tie of any kind. The women looked SENSATIONAL -- definitely "woof" material.
It's no surprise that many Tim and Bob nationals attended, since so many know us from the First UU campus. There's really too many to mention here, but we hope they know we value their support always, and most especially for the generosity they showed last night, not only with their donations, but also with their applause.
There were several musical highlights -- Steve and Kathy debuted "Way Back Into Love," from the recent movie Music and Lyrics, and the band did a rare a'capella version of the old Johnny Mercer jazz-era hit "Dream." All of us had a chance to show off our individual talents a little. Mary Lou and I even recited some poetry. But, for all of us, the greatest highlight was having Steve and Kathy's daughter Bethany announce to us that she and her Matt are engaged. Let there be no doubt that there was a group hug after that became news.
Well, our concert gig is over, and it's back to playing at our favorite live music venues in and around the Alamo City. We hope to see you all as we continue to perform the music that we love to play and sing. Check out our upcoming gigs list on our home page. Until then, TELL US WHAT YOU THINK!